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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2023-04-18 07:59:04 |  访问:23457


















人才类型 引进条件 薪酬 安家费 科研启动费
杰出人才 在所研究领域取得国内外同行公认的开创性成果、突出的学术贡献,在国内外具有广泛的学术影响力,能够引领学校重点建设学科群发展。  “一事一议、一人一策”
领军人才 在所在学科内取得国内领先或世界先进水平的、有影响力的成果、较好的学术成就,在国内具有较强的学术影响力,能够带领学校重点建设学科发展。
拔尖人才 在所在学科方向取得重要代表性成果,在国内具有一定的学术竞争力和较大发展潜力,能够带领或协助学校相关学科发展。
年薪40万元 60-80万元 40-60万元
年薪25-30万元 40-60万元 30-40万元
年薪20-25万元 50-80万元 30-60万元
30万元 10-20万元
25-35万元 5-20万元
10-30万元 3-15万元
专任教师 E类
一般年龄不超过35周岁,能够胜任高等学校教学工作。 1万元
















The School of Economics of Hebei University sincerely welcomes global talents

Hebei University is co-constructed by the Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Hebei Province. It is one of the first-level universities participating in China’s construction plan of world-class universities, with strong support from the Hebei Provincial Government. It was established in 1921 and is located in Baoding City, Hebei Province. We are now inviting global talents to join us to seek common development. For detailed information about Hebei University, please visit http://www.hbu.edu.cn/xxgk/xxjj.htm.

The School of Economics is the earliest professional college established by Hebei University. Its predecessor was the Department of Economics of Hebei University, which was established in 1960. In 1992, it was withdrawn from the department and established as the first secondary college in Hebei universities. The School of Economics is currently comprised of four departments and three institutes, including the Department of Economics, the Department of Statistics, the Department of Finance, the Department of International Economics and Trade, the Japan Institute, the Institute of Population Research, and the Institute of Regional Economics.

The school is entitled to launch doctoral programs in the first-level discipline of applied economics. There are 3 first-level Master’s Degree programs and 1 second-level Master’s Degree program covering 12 academic master’s disciplines and 5 professional master’s disciplines. World Economics and Statistics are the key disciplines for Hebei Province. The school has 5 undergraduate disciplines, including Economics, Finance, Statistics, International Economics and Trade, and Insurance. Economics and Economic Statistics are the first-level undergraduate disciplines at the national level (Double First-Class Initiative).

The school has a high-quality faculty. Among the 131 faculty members, there are 114 full-time teachers. The proportions of full-time faculty members with senior titles and doctoral degrees are both higher than 75%. There are 24 doctoral supervisors and 96 master supervisors.

The school has 6 national talents, including Jean Monnet Chair, members of the National Hundred Thousand and Ten-thousand Talent Project, State Council Special Allowance Experts, National Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contribution, candidates of the Program for New Century Excellent Talents of the Ministry of Education, 5 talents at provincial and ministerial levels with the title of Leading Talents of Hebei Innovation Team and Provincial Excellent Experts, and 5 members of 333 Talent Project of Hebei Province.

More than 30 teachers have been sent to visit key universities listed in 985 and 211 Programs, and more than 20 teachers went to 18 prestigious universities worldwide for further studies or visits.

The school has strong scientific research strength. It has built a number of research institutions such as the European Research Institute of Hebei University, the Institute of Social and Economic Development in the area surrounding Beijing, Hebei Rural Development Research Institute, China Circular Economy Research Institute, China Foreign Exchange Investment Research Institute, the Hebei Base of China-Japan-Korea Thinking Bank Network, Financial Research Center of Hebei University, and Statistical Decision Consulting Center. In recent years, the school has undertaken 39 national projects (including 2 major national projects and 6 national key projects) and 86 provincial and ministerial projects, published more than 560 academic papers, 48 monographs and textbooks, received 20 provincial and ministerial awards for scientific research achievements, and undertaken more than 20 provincial and university-level educational reform projects. A number of research results have been approved by leaders or adopted by relevant departments. Scientific research plays a more and more important role in feeding talent cultivation.

Recruitment Plan for Teaching and Research Posts in the School of Economics

Ⅰ. Recruitment Principles

We will adhere to the principle of fair and open competition and comprehensive evaluation to hire applicants with both talents and virtue on the basis of merit.

II. Recruitment Plan

In 2023, we intend to recruit and introduce high-level talents with doctoral degrees in the following directions:

Economics, Demography, World Economics, International Economics and Trade, Western Economics, Finance, Insurance, Regional Economics, Statistics and other related fields.

III. Basic Requirements

1. Have good political and moral qualities, abide by national laws, regulations and rules, and have not been subject to any disciplinary action or criminal penalty.

2. Have good team spirit and collective spirit, be obedient to the work arrangements by the organizations, and have good adaptability and a strong sense of solidarity and dedication.

3. Have a high theoretical knowledge level and good innovative spirit, be able to undertake teaching and research work, and have innovative thinking and development potential.

4. Have good physical and mental conditions and meet the requirements specified in “General Civil Service Recruitment Physical Examination Standards (Trial)”.

IV. Posts, Qualifications and Salaries

Introduction Type and Salary Reference (2021)

Types Qualifications Salaries Settling-in Allowance Start-up Research Funds
Outstanding Talents Candidates who achieve pioneering results and outstanding academic contributions recognized by their peers at home and abroad in their research fields, have extensive academic influence at home and abroad, and can lead the development of the school’s key construction disciplinary clusters.  “One case, one discussion” and “one person, one policy”
Leading Talents Candidates who achieve influential results and good academic achievements in the discipline that are leading in China or advanced in the world, have strong academic influence in China, and can lead the development of the school’s key construction disciplines.
Top-notch Talents Candidates who achieve significant representative results in their discipline, have certain academic competitiveness and great development potential in China, and can lead or assist in the development of the school’s relevant disciplines.
Age: Under 45 years old for professors, under 40 years old for associate professors, and under 35 years old for PhD.
Requirements: In addition to teaching ability, candidates should possess strong research ability and development potential and have achieved influential and representative results in their discipline that have been recognized by peer experts.
Annual salary of 400,000 RMB 600,000-800,000 RMB 400,000-600,000 RMB
Associate Professors
Annual salary of 250,000-300,000 RMB 400,000-600,000 RMB 300,000-400,000 RMB
Class A
Annual salary 200,000-250,000 RMB 500,000-800,000 RMB 300,000-600,000 RMB
Age: Under 45 years old for professors, under 40 years old for associate professors, and under 35 years old for PhD.
Requirements: In addition to teaching ability, candidates should possess certain research abilities and development potential and have achieved certain results in their discipline that have been recognized by peer experts.
Basic salary + achievement rewards + living allowance
Basic salary: 200,000 RMB/year for professors, 160,000 RMB/year for associate professors, and 140,000 RMB/year for PhD.
300,000 RMB 100,000-200,000 RMB
Associate Professors
250,000-350,000 RMB 50,000-200,000 RMB
Class B, C and D
100,000-300,000 RMB 30,000-150,000 RMB
Full-time Faculty Class E
Under 35 years old and capable of higher education teaching. / 10,000 RMB


(1) The age of social science talents is relaxed by 3 years.

(2) The introduced talents will be provided with public institution positions.

(3) On-campus jobs (public institution positions) will be provided for the spouses of introduced talents, but the spouses are required to hold a master’s degree or above.

(4) In addition to basic salary, academic backbones and full-time faculty members can get teaching and research achievement rewards (no upper limit) and living allowance (1000–2000 RMB/month for 2 years) according to related regulations. After completing the tasks in the employment term, academic elites can also get the rewards of teaching and research achievements for the overfulfilled part according to related regulations (no upper limit).

(5) Quality educational resources will be provided for the children of the introduced talents and school enrollment assistance will be provided.

(6) The length of service is 8 years, which is divided into two employment terms, with each term lasting 4 years.

V. Recruitment Procedures

1. Application for employment. Candidates send their resumes, representative performance results, and other materials to the personnel department or the relevant teaching and scientific research unit by email.

2. Evaluation by the unit. The teaching and research unit organizes experts to comprehensively evaluate the candidates mainly in teaching ability, academic ability, basic quality and psychological quality via interview, presentation, practical operation, etc.

3. Relevant procedures. The personnel department investigates the ideological and political quality and teacher morality of the candidates who have passed the evaluation and contacts them to attend the medical examination and fill in relevant application forms. A talent introduction agreement will be signed after the superior department approves the personnel procedures.

Contact Us:

Please send resumes to: jjxypsl@126.com/ecohbu@126.com

Shulin Peng: 0312-5073184/13733396768

Address: No.2666, Qiyi East Road, Lianchi District, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China




推荐:更多河北大学经济学院2023年诚聘海内外人才 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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