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中国科学院脑智卓越中心上海国际灵长类脑研究中心Dr. Henry Evrard组招聘副研究员

来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2023-07-01 07:57:10 |  访问:1263

中国科学院脑智卓越中心上海国际灵长类脑研究中心(ICPBR)由中国科学院与上海市政府联合成立,由蒲慕明院士和尼克劳斯·罗戈塞提斯(Nikos Logothetis)院士担任联合主任。中心面向国家战略需求,聚焦灵长类研究领域国际前沿科学问题,致力于打造成为世界顶尖脑科学研究机构和国际脑科学人才的汇聚地,提升中国脑科学研究的国际影响力。国际灵长类脑研究中心(ICPBR)隶属于中国科学院脑智卓越中心(ION/CEBSIT),并与汇聚了众多才华横溢且享有国际声誉的神经科学家的多个实验室团队保持密切联系,将可以提供许多沟通互动和合作的机会。DEB Lab还参与了重要的关键性国际组织(如PRIME-DRE),并与欧洲和美国都有着积极的合作关系。ICPBR旨在建成国际一流的科研中心,并吸引众多外国科学家,提供具有国际竞争力的薪资和优厚的福利待遇。上海作为一个拥有独特的文化体验和优秀生活品质的城市,同时还能提供积极探索与周边亚洲国家合作的机会。

国际灵长类脑研究中心的全身动态脑实验室(DEB Lab)由脑感知和脑岛叶皮层领域研究专家Dr. Henry Evrard担任负责人,致力于研究在人类身上能够产生本体感受意识的神经通路的结构和功能组织。确切地说,我们组的研究目标是为了更好的理解,在大脑能区网络的动态变化和感知意识的行为相关性的作用机制下,身体的内向体感知及其呈现是如何塑造情绪和认知过程的。为此,我们将综合使用结构学、神经示踪技术、电生理记录技术、局部归因操作法以及磁共振成像技术在非人灵长类动物上的应用等。









有意者请与qian.liang@icpbr.ac.cn,hr@ion.ac.cn联系,也可将中英文个人简历、研究简述、2-3封推荐信及其他相关材料直接发送至Dr. Henry Evrard研究员邮箱:henry.evrard@icpbr.ac.cn。符合要求者,将尽快安排面试。我们不仅将提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利待遇,更具备一流的科研设备条件,以及高度国际化和包容性的科研环境。

Senior Research Associate Position in the Neuroscience of Interoception

The Dynamic Embodied Brain Laboratory (DEB Lab) at the newly created International Center for Primate Brain Research (ICPBR; dir. Nikos Logothetis and Muming Poo) is seeking to hire one senior research associate scientist with an interest and experience in systems neuroscience and interoception. The DEB Lab combines multiple cutting-edge experimental approaches in non-human primates (e.g., architectonics, tracing, electrophysiology, fMRI, optogenetics). The overarching goal of the lab is to examine the structural pathways and functional mechanisms underlying the role of interoception in neural network dynamics (though NET-fMRI) as well as in behavioral and physiological correlates of perceptual awareness.

The ICPBR is affiliated with the Institute of Neuroscience (ION/CEBSIT) and is in close contact with the Lingang Lab group. All three institutions regroup numerous talented and internationally recognized neuroscientists, with numerous opportunities to interact and collaborate. The DEB Lab is involved in key international consortia (e.g., PRIME-DRE) and has active collaborations in the EU and US, with possibilities of further exchange and enrichment.

Aiming to attract numerous foreign scientists, the ICPBR offers an internationally competitive salary and an excellent benefits package. With the full re-opening of its borders and economy, Shanghai offers once again an excellent and unique cultural experience and quality of life, with numerous opportunities for exploring nearby Asian destinations.

To get more information and/or to apply (CV, research statement, 2 recommendation letters), contact the DEB Lab Manager, Ms. Qian Liang (qian.liang@icpbr.ac.cn) and hr@ion.ac.cn.




推荐:更多中国科学院脑智卓越中心上海国际灵长类脑研究中心Dr. Henry Evrard组招聘副研究员 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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