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12000-25000元 应届毕业生 硕士
台积电(南京)有限公司 2024-10-18 04:28:43
12000-25000元 应届毕业生 硕士
台积电(南京)有限公司 2024-10-18 04:28:43
职责描述: 1.计划制定: 1)设计并开展年度培训需求调研/访谈,产出分析报告并制定可行性培训解决方案; 2)统筹合理排课并确保讲师资源,定期跟踪计划执行情况。 2.培训开展: 1)梳理内外部可用资源,参与内部定制化课程开发; 2)培训实施准备(场地、设备、培训材料等); 3)接地气、有效的开展培训活动; 4)进行跟课观察/记录/反馈。 3.人才发展: 1)参与梯队人才培养发展项目设计、实施执行; 2)提出有利于项目更好落地的举措、机制等。 4.内训师: 1)优化内训师管理机制,使其更贴近员工需求,更易执行; 2)有效对内训师进行管理、激励,提高投入度及积极性; 3)根据方案规划开展各项活动。 5.其他: 1)内部期刊撰文、策划宣传等; 2)协助落实学习型组织文化建设; 3)管理及维护学习平台系统; 4)其它专案活动参与。 1.Planning: 1)Design and conduct annual training needs surveys/interviews, analysis reports and formulate feasible training solutions. 2)Coordinate and reasonably schedule classes, ensure lecturer resources, and regularly track the implementation of the plan. 2.Implementation: 1)Sort out available internal and external resources and participate in the development of internal customized courses; 2)Preparation for training implementation (venue, equipment, training materials, etc.) 3)Conduct training activities effectively; 4)Conduct class observations/recording/feedback。 3.People development: 1)Participate in the design and implementation of echelon talent training and development projects; 2)Propose measures, mechanisms, etc. that are conducive to better implementation of the project。 4.Internal instructor: 1)Optimize the internal trainer management mechanism to make it closer to employee needs and easier to implement; 2)Effectively manage and motivate internal trainers to increase investment and enthusiasm; 3)Carry out various activities according to the plan. 5.others: 1)Writing articles for internal journals, planning publicity, etc.; 2)Assist in the implementation of the construction of learning organizational culture; 3)Manage and maintain the learning platform system; 4)Participate in other project activities。 任职要求: 1.日本籍 2.3年以上HR工作经验(培训与发展相关领域); 3.英文听说读写能力强; 4.娴熟的使用电脑和Office软件(较强的excel技能); 5.具备极强的好奇心和学习能力;开放型思维且逻辑性强;抗压能力佳且乐于接受新任务/挑战; 6.有清晰的个人目标和职业规划;较强的亲和力、同理心、敬业精神;正直、诚信、守承诺; 7.对培训学习理论、项目交付、技术应用等有一定认知,具备课程开发及讲授经验; 8.有外资企业或者大型企业工作背景者优先。 1.Japanese nationality 2.More than 3 years of HR work experience (training and development related fields); 3.Strong English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills; 4.Proficient in using computers and Office software (strong excel skills); 5.Have strong curiosity and learning ability; have an open mind and strong logic; have good stress resistance and be willing to accept new tasks/challenges; 6.Have clear personal goals and career plans; strong affinity, empathy, and professionalism; integrity, integrity, and commitment-keeping; 7.Have a certain understanding of training and learning theory, project delivery, technology application, etc., and have experience in course development and teaching; 8.Applicants with working background in foreign-funded enterprises or large enterprises will be given priority.
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